another fun morning %&$*$%*^%#*^%
So another interesting morning in the Ingram household…. it began at 4:30 am when Sebastian decided he had enough sleep. I woke up and heard him chatting to himself…I lay in bed motionless, hoping that if I didn’t move or make a sound (not that he can hear or see me from his room anyhow) that he would go back to sleep. No such luck. A few minutes later the chatting turns to whimpering… which then developed into crying and finally escalates into full-on hollering & screeching. CJ beat me to him and was in the process of trying to calm him down when I got to his room. Yesterday evening we had put glow in the dark stars on his ceiling. This was the perfect opportunity to see if they would be any good. So we turned the light on for 30 seconds to “recharge the stars” and then turned off the lights… WOW! Seb was in awe staring at the stars glowing on his ceiling. I lay on the bed and talked to him softly. We sang twinkle twinkle little star a few times and then I told him that I was going back to bed….. but WAIT!. First he wanted some milk. “okay Sebastian, I’ll get you some milk and then you’ll go to sleep” “okay mummy”….. get milk, give it to Sebby… he’s happy. I say goodnight and start to leave. WAIT!!! Need to sing twinkle twinkle one for time. We sing… “goodnight seb” “goodnight mummy”. I close the door… he starts to whimper… then cry… then scream….. I go to bed and put two pillows over my head. I am NOT getting up at 4:50 am!!! I lie there listening to him be pissed off for the next 20 minutes. Then I hear a door open and about 17 second later feel Kenzie climbing into our bed. “GOOD MORNING MUMMY AND DADDY!!!!!” Ugh… it’s not even 5:15. CJ ended up getting sebby and the family spent the next 30 minutes in bed with treehouse playing loudly on the TV.
Anyhow… the one good thing about waking up at 4:30 in the morning (and I am reaching here) is the fact that we were not rushed this morning. In fact the kids waned to go outside and play at 7:00. I swear our neighbours are going to hate us!
Oh yeah, and it’s 8:48 am now and I am very very sleepy. Going to get more coffee.

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