if i were very very rich, I would....
- quit my job and become a stay at home mom.
- CJ would quit his job too so we could hang out a lot
- go on bike rides & walks with CJ
- get my nails done, brows waxed etc. on a regular basis
- have a personal trainer to get me working out
- take cooking lessons (with CJ if he was interested)
- get the basement finished
- visit our friends
- have some professional landscaping done in front and out back of our house
- volunteer at kenzie’s school so I’d be more involved – maybe even join the parent’s advisory board/committee etc
- have time to learn how to use Photoshop
- buy an SLR camera and then take a course to teach me how to use it properly
- do lots of gardening – learn about plants and hwo to keep them alive
- scrapbook
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