Is it Friday yet?
I am ready to retire. Last week was kind tough because of Seb being sick – this time with a throat infection. CJ and I both took a day off work to stay home with him and my mum did the same. Every night last week Sebastian woke up almost every hour crying so no one had a decent night’s sleep all week. Also, my dad was visiting last week. He was supposed to fly back on Friday but the weather wan’t good (he was flying his own plane) so he ended up staying until today.
Okay… so… on Saturday Seb was feeling better and CJ and I were ready for some fun. We had our friends the Woocks over and Bev and Sofie came over too. A good time was had by all. We introduced these ignorant Canadian’s (/south African’s/ New Zealanders) to Cinco De Mayo. We had margaritas, yummy food and lots of laughs. The kids were in their element with all their “big friends’ there.

Anyhow, so it was a late night Saturday but then Seb decided to wake up at 5:30 AM! He came to bed with CJ and I but he just wanted to play. And that kid is just so darn cute I couldn’t help but wake up and play with him. At 8:00 Kenzie and I left for Andrea’s house where we picked up Andrea, Chris and Omi and headed to Riverdale Park in Cabbagetown , Toronto for the Hike for Hospice . It was a beautiful crisp day. Kenzie was thrilled to get her face painted and she enjoyed the walk and picking flowers along the way.
After the walk we all went to the Danforth (Greektown) and had lunch. This is where My big fat Greek Wedding was filmed. It’s a really cute part of Toronto. We enjoyed a nice lunch and then all headed home. I was so tired, I almost fell asleep on the way home. Luckily the stars aligned and I was able to get in a nap when we got home. Last night Dad took us all out for dinner. We went to Eastside Marios. The kids loved the decorations, the atmosphere and especially the 3 mini ice cream cones they got for dessert. After dinner we headed out to the playground/park for some playing and kite flying. It is so nice – every time we go we meet some of our neighbours there. Yesterday I met the neighbours from across the street. I talked quite a bit to Nargis while our kiddos played together.
This morning Kenzie came to our room at 5:30 complaining about a sore tummy. Poor Boo. I thought she was just moaning because she didn’t want to go to school….. well until she threw up all over us. Then I took her more seriously. Seems like our little Boo has come down with the flu. She is definitely not faking it and is actually feeling pretty crappy. So the morning was rather stressful with us praying that mum would come stay with Kenzie so that CJ and I could still get to work on time, Sebby to daycare and dad to the airport. Ugh. Anyhow, we did it. Just talked to mum… the Boo is sleeping on the couch after being given a gravol and some love, Seb is happy at daycare, CJ is off to work and I am here.
I’m exhausted and ready for another weekend.
btw, Jennifer (GMS) - good luck at your first day back to work. i am thinking about you today!
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