Sebastian fell down the stairs
Okay… I feel like shit today. Yesterday my mum and dad took Kenzie to her swimming lesson while I stayed home and hung out with Sebastian. We were having a really good time. He enjoyed a chocolate popsicle, rode his big wheel around and then we went to the park. I can still see him lying on the disk swing… eyes closed and smiling as I pushed him up high! He loved the sun on his face. Then we came back home and were going to play in the backyard. Seb saw that our neighbours were sitting in their garden getting ready to eat dinner. So he poked his head around the lattice on our deck to wave and say hello. So my neighbours and I started chatting - they were saying how happy and amazed they were by the scrapbook I made for them. I was feeling so proud and happy. My head was getting bigger and I was smiling from ear to ear…. And that’s when it happened…. Almost in slow motion Seb lost his balance and fell from the top of the deck down all the stairs and landed on the grass. He toppled down 6 wooden steps.

OMG… it was so scary. I ran down and scooped him up. He was bleeding from his nose and mouth and crying. We ran inside and got him calmed down pretty quickly. The bleeding stopped and he seemed happy to get some ice to put on his lip and a new popsicle. But I have been shaken up since then. I feel like a crap mother for not watching him more closely. I should have been watching him instead of soaking in praise about the album. I keep thinking about what could have happened. I’m amazed that he got away with no injuries.
Anyhow. I can’t stop thinking about him today. I miss him and want to cuddle him. I hope my kids never break any bones. I will be a basket case.
So with that I will leave you with some adorable pics I took this weekend.

My little man is so HANDSOME :) Please give him lots of smooshies for me. Hugs & Kisses DW2
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