on my mind...
1. I am so looking forward to the summer. Right now it’s cold and wet outside. Everything looks dirty and grey. There is still snow on the ground but it’s gross snow. Ahhh. I love the spring. It can’t come soon enough.
2. Seb was sick yesterday and so I spent most of the night in bed with him – with him coughing, wheezing and whining. I had a terrible sleep. The good news is that he seems much better today and my mum came over to take care of him so he didn’t have to go to daycare. The bad news is that I’m exhausted.
3. We have a new holiday here in Ontario. It’s called Family Day and it’s on Feb 18th this year. I think that rocks and I am excited for a nice long weekend.
4. My boss is going on vacation next week and I am really glad. No micro-managing for two weeks!
5. We went sledding on Saturday morning. It was really fun. CJ and I finally got ourselves some snow pants which make it much more enjoyable and less wet. The kids had fun and our neighbour Donna, and her daughter Olivia came out to play with us. This initiated two play dates for Kenzie – one on Saturday afternoon at our house and one on Sunday at Olivia’s.
6. We have plans to go out for dinner or do something fun with the Woocks on Saturday for Sue’s birthday. I am looking forward to that. Now what should I get her for her birthday?
7. Have I mentioned that I am tired of the winter? I just looked at pictures from last summer and I wish it was summertime again. I want to feel the sun on my face and wear short sleeved shirts and get a tan. I want to have barbeques outside and not worry about all the mess in the house.
8. I just signed the kids up for soccer. They start in May. I am excited to see them play. I am pretty sure they will enjoy it – and they are going to look so cute in their little uniforms and cleats and shin pads
9. I just signed up for Green Earth Organics. They deliver a bag of “in season” organic fruits and vegetables to your door every week. I am looking forward to that. CJ and I have really embraced this “healthier” lifestyle. We have been cooking a lot and eating a lot of produce and whole grains. We have also cut back on our booze-consumption. I still have to have at least a glass of wine every day, but that’s better than a couple mixed drinks. We are both down in weight too (between 5 and 10 lbs so far). It will be neat to get this organic produce because we’ll have to find recipes for, and cook, vegetables that we aren’t accustomed to eating. For example, this week we need to do something with arugula and with turnip.
10. I have a headache and want to go home. I sometimes really wish the flexibility I had at my old job. Even my previous position with Delcan was way more flexible that here.
Here are some pics from this weekend.

check out CJ in the background

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