Proud parents
For the last few days I’ve been feeling really off. Like headachy and nauseous (and no, I’m not pregnant!!). So I am panicking a bit and I keep thinking that I probably have some terminal illness and it’s becoming huge in my mind and I am too scared to go to the doctor (I’m usually not such a hypochondriac. Really).
Yesterday Kenzie and I went to her school’s monthly assembly. She was selected as student of the month this month for demonstrating the character trait “Initiative”. We are very very proud of her. So she received her award/certificate yesterday morning. I was so happy that I was there to see her get her award – last year I had a meeting and wasn’t able to go. Her good friend Sophie who is in grade 1 also got selected as student of the month so it was great that they were there together.
with Sophie,

Her teacher giving her the certificate. I love Mrs Harrison – she is so sweet and so good to Kenzie. I think Mrs. H and I could be friends. She’s got two little girls and she and I love talking about cute clothes and other kid stuff. I’m glad Kenzie has had two great teachers in the last couple years.

Also at the assembly I did a presentation to all the kids in Kenzie’s school – all 650 of them and most of the 60 staff members. I was awake almost all night Thursday night worrying about it. I was nervous and worried that the kids would hate it. I am the chair of the Health, Safety and Environmental committee at the school and we are trying to raise funds for an outdoor classroom and renaturalization project. So as part of that I’m organizing an eco-product fundraiser. I had a video about the environment and I did some interactive speaking, gave out some prizes etc. The kids seemed to really enjoy it and they all yelled “awww” when I said I was done. So that made me feel so good. But I was totally exhausted from the stress of it all afterwards.
Here’s Kenzie when we first got there and I was setting up (check out her adorable rain boots).

So not to be outdone by his sister, Sebastian came home yesterday with his own certificate. He got Star of the Week at daycare for listening so well. Now Sebastian is not the greatest listener so this is a huge achievement for him. We are very proud of both our kiddos.

Way to go Kenzie, and Sebastian for all your accomplishments this week!
now get yourself to the doc so you can quit worrying :)
Yay, kidlins! Wow, I can't believe how quickly Seb is gorwing up! ITA to Amy, go get some peace of mind over your symptoms.
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