Week of February 4 in review
This was a good week. Work was okay with it’s usual stresses etc. But luckily my boss was preoccupied with another new project manager. And when she did come to talk to me, I was on top of every issue she brought up. It felt good. And to top it off she left on Friday for a two week vacation! WOOT.
We had a big snow storm on Wednesday day/night and Thursday. It totally dumped. CJ was out at 5:00 am on Thursday morning shoveling snow. It took him an hour to do our driveway. There was over 30 cm that fell over night. Crazy. Of course the kids loved it. Except the snow in the backyard/play area at daycare was so high that the kids couldn’t even go out to play. The daycare teacher told me that the snow back there was up to her hips so the kids would be up to their heads. Lol We have so much snow around. If you drive up our street there is about 4 feet of snow piled up between all the houses and I’d guess about 8 feet of snow at the end of our street. I’ll run out and take a picture…
From the front door.

From the driveway.

On Thursday both kids had gymnastics class. CJ and I both went. It was awesome for many reasons. First the kids love it. Second I love watching them, and third (but not least) CJ and I got an hour of uninterrupted time together.
Yesterday was Sue’s birthday. The Woocks and the Ingrams went to East Side Marios’s to celebrate. Everyone had a good time. Sue even got to spin the wheel :)

Afterwards we all came back to our house where Sue opened her present (a top from Lululemon). I feel kind bad cause I have a feeling that it’s too small for her, but she can exchange it – there was a gift receipt attached. But I think she was still pleased with it. It was strange though… CJ and I have been off alcohol” for so long now (well I still have my glass of wine, but no vodka). I asked CJ to make me a K-Pow. After drinking about a third I realized I had lost my taste for it. It’s a bit of a let down… kinda like quitting smoking and then realizing that if I had a cigarette now it wouldn’t taste as good as it used to. HA.
Today – Sunday - we have a fairly lazy day planned. Kids woke up early as usual and they spent about an hour watching morning cartoons from our bed. Then they forced us to get out of bed. CJ made us some fantastic breakfast burritos. Yum!
Now we are just hanging out in our pajamas. Soon I will call Andrea. She and I are supposed to go shopping today for a crib and bassinet and other baby stuff. I am so excited! I may take Kenzie along depending on how she’s feeling – she seems to be coming down with a cold.
CJ’s buddy Jamie is going to come over this afternoon to pick up some music stuff and visit. Apparently his wife is really into scrapbooking. We are hoping to get the two families together soon. It will be fun to have another scrapbooking buddy!
Oh, and one more thing… I am down 11 lbs now. I broke through that 10 lb milestone. I am very happy. Only 10 more lbs and I will no longer be overweight. Ha… sad isn’t it! We just bought a treadmill. It is being delivered on Thursday. My goal is to get on it every morning and walk/run for 30 minutes. This means that I will have to get up at 5:00am. It will be hard but so good if I can do it. Wish me luck!
Oh and one more cute picture….

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