It's Spring !
It’s Monday and I am home sick. It’s amazing that the only time I have to relax is when my body forces me to by getting sick. Last week Seb and CJ were sick, so I didn’t get much sleep cause I tried to take care of the kids as much as possible and I spent most of the nights sleeping with Seb in his bed because when he’s sick he’s very needy and he is up a lot coughing and sneezing etc. So towards the end of last week I started to feel like I was coming down with something. We didn’t have many weekend plans so I thought that would be a good opportunity to relax and recuperate… but I should have known… we have a habit of being busy all the time whether we have definite plans or not.
So on Friday afternoon it was a beautiful day. I got the kids from daycare and we met CJ at home. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening outside with the kids playing on the street with the other neighbourhood kids, and the neighbourhood adults all working on the lawns and chatting to each other. I know I’ve said it before, but I can’t say enough how much I love this neighbourhood. And I still believe we live on the best street. EVERYONE has little kids and they all get along so well. I love the fact that we just have to open our door and Zuhal and Olivia will be on our doorstep wanting to play with Kenzie and there will be at least 4 or 5 little kids zooming around on their bikes that Seb can go play with. I love the fact that Kenzie and Seb feel so comfortable that they can say “hey, I’m going to go play with Matthew and Lucas…” or “look there’s baby Roselyn, I’m going to go see her” and start walking over to their new friends. I was just taking a break from weeding and I picked up the camera and took this picture. The kids were eating popsicles and just realized that they had ice cream inside.

Here they are playing at Zuhal’s house.

On Saturday I woke up feeling crappy. Bev called in the morning to ask if we could come over for dinner. I asked to take a raincheck cause I didn’t want to get anyone sick. CJ took Kenzie shopping and Seb and I headed outside for some more fresh air and playing.

As the day progressed I started to feel better. At about 3:00 we were all outside and around the corner comes Rachel and Jenna on their bikes. Behind them was Sue walking… “you didn’t answer your phone”, she said “so we came over to check on you”. So Sue and I sat on the porch and had a glass of wine. Rachel started raking our lawn – I must get her back to finish sometime this week. Also Sue helped me figure out which trees to get for our yard and where to put them. At about 5:00 Bev called back and asked if we wanted to change our minds. Since I was feeling better by then (Tylenol Cold and wine do wonders!) I accepted. Bev invited the Woocks over as well. So after getting cleaned up, we headed over. Kenzie rode her bike and Seb went in the wagon. We all had a really nice evening. Lots of laughing, kids playing and good conversation. Before we knew it, it was almost 10:00 and poor Seb was about to keel over from exhaustion. CJ packed him up in the wagon and we all headed home.
Yesterday, for the most part was a relaxing day. In the morning we went back to Bev and Johns again to drop off my roller blades which Bev wanted to borrow. The kids rode their bikes. They are so cute on their bikes and it was nice for CJ and I to get a little walk in together . We spent some time in the park - CJ and I both took turns on the disk swings.. they are amazing.. I could have falled asleep on that thing. Then we came back home for lunch and after lunch we all fell asleep and had a wonderful nap.
Andrea had called before we fell asleep to ask if we wanted to come by and see the new house. They moved in on Friday and were still in the process of unpacking but she asked if we wanted to see it. So when we woke up from our naps we headed over. Andrea and Chris’s new house is gorgeous. I LOVE their kitchen. They had the ground floor totally renovated and a brand new kitchen put in before they moved. The best part is the GIGANTIC island.

Oh and doesn’t Andrea look adorable. She is 37 weeks pregnant now and I bet she’ll be back to her stick think figure as soon as she has the baby… well she is still stick thin.. she just looks like she has a soccer ball under her shirt.

They also have the most beautiful English garden in the back. I’m sure it’s a ton of work to maintain (but hey, let’s face it… we all know Andrea and Chris won’t be doing the gardening… they’ll probably have a gardener come every week) but it will be incredible once everything is in bloom. The apple trees are perfect for climbing and swinging on and they are just starting to bloom.

So after having a tour of the house we sat down for some pizza before heading home. We threw the filthy kids in the bath tub, washed hair, brushed teeth, watched some Hanna Montana (Kenzie’s newest favourite show) and all collapsed into bed. Another quiet relaxing weekend over.
Oh and I just had to add this pic… I took it last week and it just makes me laugh.

And one last thing… guess what just arrived? The kids summer clothes. I can’t wait to see them. :)

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