First day of School (2008)
So there we have it. Both our kiddos are now officially “in school”.
Today was the first day of school. Kenzie was a bit nervous about being in grade 1. I understand that. It’s a big change from kindergarten. In kindergarten have recess in the “kindergarten pen” – basically a fenced in play area that keep the kindergarteners in their own area away from the rest of the older kids. They are also given more support once the school day ends – i.e. parents are expected to pick the kids up at the school or, alternatively the kids are assigned a bus monitor (an old student), who takes them by the hand and leads them to their school bus, where they are seated right behind the driver. In grade one though, all those protective measures are no longer there. Kenzie will now be going to school full days, 5 days a week. She will have recess with all the other students in grade 1 through 8. She will be expected to take care of herself.
So it didn’t surprise me when she was a bit apprehensive. Things got a bit better when she found out last week who her teacher would be. Mrs H. was also her SK teacher but was moved this year tpo teach grade 1. So Kenzie was thrilled to be with Mrs H. again. It was also great to find out that she was in the same class as her friends, Zoe, Emily and Mark.
Now Sebby, was nothing but excited. No worries with this little guy. He couldn’t get to school fast enough. He was so proud to have his own backpack. Yesterday he had practiced putting on his new (light-up Spiderman) indoor schools and writing his name.
So at 7:40 this morning we headed out and walked to school. But first I had to take a few pictures.

Walking to school I thought again how lucky we are to live so close to the school. It made me think about how nice it would be to work from home or be a stay-at-home mom. The kids could come home for lunch or walk home after school.

Look at my super duper handsome hubby. (and Kenzie isn’t crying – she just has the sun in her eyes)

Once we got to school, we found out that Sebastian actually only had a half-day today (orientation). So he was devastated that he had to wait another 2 hours before going to his class with his buddy Big Sebastian who is in SK. But it did allow us to focus on Mackenzie. WE had a bit of time to walk around the school before the kids actually went into class.

Our little Boo did great. When the bell rang, she marched right into school with her friends.
I can’t wait to see her after school to see how her day went.
Soon it was back to school for Sebby. All the JK kids and parents met in the library. The kiddos were walked to their classes by the teacher’s assistants. Sebby was so sad to be leaving me…

Okay maybe not… I know he’ll have a great time. I can’t wait to pick him up to see how his day was.
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