Pinery Camping 2008
Too much to write about... so instead here are a few of my favourite camping moments…
Arriving at the park and setting up.

Heading to the beach for the first time.

Kids having fun

Roasting marshmallows around the fire.

Sebby falling asleep early on his “trying day” and sleeping 13 hours straight! (he had two bites that swelled up and made him miserable so he was a clingy, whiny mess all day. I was thrilled when he fell asleep.)

Coffee in the morning with guitar music.

Kids enjoying croquet.

The second day at the beach… the weather was perfect.

CJ and Brian playing guitars.

Bev doubled over with laughter when she realized that Helen was talking about putting the asparagus into her food cooler and not her (drink) cooler.

Pot luck dinner at our campsite.

Kids enjoying banana boats

Kids all coming to say goodbye… poor Boo was crying in the back seat. It broke my heart.

and I will leave you with this one....

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