weekend photo blog
I’m tired so I wont write much. Just want to say that life is good these days. CJ and I are absolutely swamped with work. CJ has a big deadline at the end of this month and my big deadline is July 16th. We are both just running on adrenaline these days trying to get through the next few weeks. Luckily we have some fun things to look forward to (e.g. camping at the end of this month) and we are having fun along the way (e.g. our bbq last weekend – see pics below).
Kenzie and Sophie

I love a house full of people

Look at my hottie husband… he’s getting so skinny!

Rachel and Sophia

Helen and me


Kids eating lunch

Bigger people

Sprinkler fight

Sprinkler fun

And what would make the day perfect?.... a visit from the ice cream man…

Kenz Benz


Big Seb

Helen and Dave – make such a cute couple

And of course the baby

The tired new parents

You and CJ look great Karen!!
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