First Book Club Meeting
Yesterday we had our first ever book club meeting. When CJ and I were in the Dominican I read a book called “Angry Housewives eating Bon Bons”. It gave me the idea to start a book club. So Helen, Bev, Sue and Vikki all agreed to give it a go. For our first book we chose “Angry Housewives eating Bon Bons”. I wanted everyone else to get excited about how fun and long-lasting this could be. The first meeting was hosted by me last night (CJ was our playing poker with the AGM guys and the kids were at my moms).
At 6:00 Bev, Sue and Vikki came over (Helen is in England). We started the evening with a bunch of chit chat and eating lots of yummy snacks. Here we are drinking our first cosmo’s.

Turns out that Bev and Sue only read half the book and Vikki hadn’t even started it. Lol. But we still had a blast. We drank, ate, and talked all night. To be honest it wasn’t a very structured book club meeting but we did talk about the book once in a while. But most of the time we talked about kids, relationships, careers, family etc. It was so much fun. 3 or 4 cosmos and 5 or 6 hours later the ladies said goodnight and headed home. Good thing Sue and Bev live close enough to walk The next meeting will be at Bev’s house in June. She has decided that all her book choices will be “banned” books. So I am anxiously awaiting her book selection.
Earlier yesterday CJ ran a local race. He is has been doing amazing with his healthy eating, and running. He signed up for the waterfront half marathon in the fall so he is in serious training mode now. The kids and I went to watch. It was a beautiful day. The kids were so excited to see CJ come running around the corner and to the finish line. Way to Go CJ. I’m proud of you!
Before the race.

the final stretch.

crossing the finish line

On the way home we stopped by Angela’s house to say hello. I love her backyard… (and Noah ate and apple and lost his first top tooth).

Kenzie and Celeste.


Today we are headed over to Omi's house to have a birthday barbeque for Andrea. It should be a beautiful day.
It's been a while since I have visited any MH blogs. I belong to a book club too. Two that are fabulous to read for book club are "The Thirteenth Tale" and "The Boy Next Door".
congrats to CJ. It's great to see him still running. He's an inspiration.
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