Happy Father’s Day
Last week was crazy. CJ was working like mad (as usual). He ended the week by pulling an all-nighter on Thursday night and then going to work for a full day on Friday.
Well actually he got to work a bit late because he took the kiddos to the allergist. Looks like the Boo is still VERY allergic to peanuts, and Sebastian is allergic to cats and horses. Kenzie told him this morning that he shouldn’t eat horses. Lol…
So we got home on Friday afternoon and Sue came by to visit… she ended up inviting us over for BBq dinner so we messed up the Woock’s house at dinnertime instead of ours. It was a lot of fun though. The kids put on a fashion show and Kenzie was declared the winner. She is still talking about it, so it must have made her very happy.
Yesterday morning Sue, Bev and I met at 6:30 for a walk around the lake. At 6:30 it was already super hot and humid, so when the skies opened up and it started pouring rain halfway through our walk it was actually quite refreshing.
The rest of our day was consumed with soccer photos, naps, household stuff like garage cleaning and gardening. Before we knew it, it was 7:00 an d we hadn’t had dinner yet… CJ bbq’d up some yummy steaks and we enjoyed eating dinner outside. The weather was perfect.. warm enough for short sleeves but not so hot that it was uncomfortable.
Kenzie really wanted to go for an evening walk so we headed over to the park… Kenzie ran over to the woocks to see if “RachelJenna” (that’s how she says it) wanted to join us. Jenna had a friend Deeana over so CJ and I took the kids to the park.
Then Sebby decided “big” Sophie (as opposed to little Sophie – who is Sophie Wood) should be there too, so he and I walked over to see if Bev and Sophia wanted to join us (John is in the Bahamas again). They were about to go to bed but we convinced them to come out. It was a beautiful evening. We hung out at the butterfly garden for a while and then came home. The Woock kids had to go home for their late dinner. So Sophia, Seb and Kenzie played out on the street with the neighbourhood kids (Olivia) why Bev, CJ and I enjoyed a drink on the porch with a citronella candle burning… It was 11:00 by the time we got the kids to bed.
This morning we ladies went for a walk around the lake again. It’s such an amazing way to start the day. When I got home everyone was still sleeping. I woke up CJ so he could go for his 10K run (he is in fantastic shape – so handsome and sexy too). As soon as he walked in the door after his run, all hot and sweaty and tired, the kids bombarded him with all their Happy Father’s Day wishes and the presents they made for him. This was the card that Seb attached to the picture frame he made…. I think it is hilarious!

So it’s now shortly after 1:00. Jenna, Rachel, Sebastian and Kenzie are downstairs watching a movie. CJ is outside setting up a 12’ wide pool he bought.. I thought he was going to come home with a 3’ pool so this was a bit of a surprise. But I am sure the kids will LOVE it when they see it.
This afternoon I am hoping that CJ and I will get some downtime to just hang out and relax and enjoy the nice weather, our good life and each other.
CJ… I hope you have a great day today. You are an amazing father and a spectacular husband. We are all so happy to be part of your family. xoxoxoxox
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