board drama
I have been quite active on an internet message board since I was pregnant with Mackenzie. It started off as a "pregancy board" where people would post questions about their preganancy and share issues and stories and offer support. It grew into much more than that. I have a group of friends there now. About 100 women who I feel i know very well. There have been fights and nasty things said between members but there is also a TON of support and kindness on this board.
Through some of the "drama", some women have left the board completely. A couple of these women were people who I had come to really like - I enjoyed reading their posts and found them really funny.
So... here's the scoop. 2 days ago I got an invitation to join another board... membership by approval and all that. I clicked on the link and headed on over. I was happy to see some of those "old friends" ... women who I had wondered about for the last few months. It was nice to see new pictures of their kids and to read their funny posts.
Okay.. so here's the problem though. There were a bunch of women from the original board who were not invited to this new "exclusive" board. Of course when they got wind of it (as they were bound to do) they were pissed. I can understand that because I've been in their shoes before.
Anyhow.. I feel like I'm in a position now where I have to choose one board or the other or else I'll feel terrible. That's a shitty position to be in. I wish I could back up two days and never receive the invite in the first place.
Happy Friday.
On a happier note. I just got this picture from CJ. Kenzie got a new bike. She looks so happy. I can't wait to see her on it when I get home tonight.

I hear ya, Karen. I hate this 'drama' crap. Can't we all just get along... (or at the very least, ignore the people you don't like). I always worry that the board will go away when crap like this happens - and I would hate that. Oh well....hang in there. Kenzie looks so grown up on her new bike!
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