random thoughts
I lost 4 pounds and feel great. Maybe there is something to this "cleansing thing". CJ lost 9! 9 pounds in 2 days! I know alot of our loss is water but I already see changes in the way my clothes fit. I am happy.
Sebastian is so friggin adorable. I want to eat his thighs. Is this not the cutest picture. Seb and Miro (the cat) got some snuggling in this morning.

I took kenzie swimming last night. She loves the pool as much as I did when I was a kid. She is doing so great. She started off being really apprehensive. Now she jumps off the side, loves being thrown up in the air, blows bubbles and loves to jump in the shallow part. And she is so cute in her little bathing suits.
I am looking forward to our weekend. Not too much planned. We are going to Julian's birthday party tomorrow. How fun!! Kids birthday parties are a blast! Other than that no plans.
Oh.. here's another really cool thing. I got this email from Sam last night
" do nothing at night except wait for Charles to log on and watch tv. So...why not, for the next 4-5 weeks...you and CJ go out and Jess and I watch the munchkins? ...... So, let me know what days and times and we'll be there. Enjoy this while you can. I know what it's like...use this opportunity while it lasts!!!"
Could she be a better friend? I think not! So we took her up on her offer and she'll be watching the kiddos next Friday while we go for sushi. I honestly don't remember the last time we went out for dinner by ourselves. I think it was on my birthday LAST year - so over a year ago. I am so psyched! Thank you Sam, I love you!
Congrats on the 4 pounds lost!
So what is this cleansing thing you speak of? I so totally hear you on that lingering baby weight. I was like you after Emily was born - it all just came off. I'm not so lucky this time.
Enjoy your night out! :)
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