weekly update
so last week at work was another week at work.. nothing too exciting to talk about.
Let's jump to the weekend.
On Friday night, Kristin and Montana came over. We enjoyed some pizza, salad, ice cream and strawberries (to which Sebby had an allergic reaction - what is it with our kids and allergies?! thank goodness his reaction wasn't as bad as Kenzie's peanut one). CJ had the excellent idea to shave his head. Here he is afterwards. I think he looks like a hotty!

On Saturday, Kenzie and I went to the mall in the morning while Seb was napping. (meanwhile CJ cleaned out the garage and it looks fabulous). Kenzie and I bought a few gifts and she even sat with the Easter bunny to get her picture taken. She was quite excited when afterwards the Easter bunny's assistant gave her a stuffed bunny and a chocolate bunny to take home with her.
Yesterday we went to Gregory's baptism. He did so well - didn't even cry when the water was poured over his head. and he looked so darn cute. God bless you Gregory! (and DW, I am not even going to post a picture of you guys - see I am thoughtful like that!)
After the service we all went to D&D's place for a barbeque party. We had a blast.

I LOVE this picture.

After the party we came home for naps. Woke up after 6:00 (new time). That totally threw me for a loop. I felt all unsettlld cause of the time. Anyhow, so at 8:00 pm, we were winding down getting ready for bed, watching TV (Food Network). The show we were watching highlighted fried ice cream. I told CJ I had never had that. So we decided to go have some right there and then. We got dressed and headed over to Las Margaritas.
I have to say, that Corona totally hit the spot and the kids loved the ice cream.

Here's to mixing parenting with pleasure! Cheers!

not sure what you mean here: (and DW, I am not even going to post a picture of you guys - see I am thoughtful like that!)
I love how spontaneous you all are! and I LOVE fried ice cream :)
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