Well all the effort we put into house hunting (I swear we looked at almost 100 houses) and the stress (putting in 2 unsuccesful offers) was so totally worth it. We found OUR HOUSE! I mean seriously... it has EVERYTHING that we wanted in a house. It is perfect! It has an open concept with the kitchen looking onto the familyroom (which is really BIG). It has hardwood floors and tile in the kitchen. It has a gorgeous kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops and a big island, with a little overhang so you can pull up some bar stools. 4 bedrooms. Decent (Toronto standards) sized backyard. It is at the end of a cul se sac. With a path 20 yards from the front door going to a great playground and then a bit further onto the kids' elementary school - they can walk to school without setting foot on a street. It is three blocks from a lake and it is a 15 minute commute for me during rush hour.
We close on August 31st! I am over the moon.
CJ will be going to the inspection on Wednesday and he'll be taking pictures. I will post some for you all then.
So... in 5 weeks we'll be open for visitors! :) We'll have to have a house warming party some time in September. You are all invited. A prize goes to the person/people who travel the farthest to attend. There is plenty of room for anyone to stay with us!
Here are some pics I took the other night. I love them. I need to load some photo editting software onto my computer though so I can get rid of the red eye.

so awesome. I miss you so much K - love the pictures.... can't wait to see the house
Congrats. Glad to hear we have a place to stay. HAHA
Now for the really important stuff:
CJ, try www.beerbistro.com, looks pretty kick-ass. As for Miller Lite, try this one:
But, beware....surprisingly,it appears that Toronto is far more "beer snobby" than Seattle and you may be referred to as "Yankee White Trash" if caught drinking it in public. This, according to some googling. Perhaps, it is just a case of "little man's complex", as I have yet to taste any mass produced Canadian beer that didn't taste just as bad as the other American crap beers. Anyway, it does seem rather hard to find many places that serve the ML. Don't worry, I'll stock plenty of it for Thanksgiving.
As you were...
This is the time when I wish I were filthy rich and could travel anytime, anywhere. I am dying to see your new place!
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