another weekend flies by
Friday night we had curling. Both CJ and I had some good ‘throws’ (or whatever it’s called) so we were both happy. We also won our game which always make things more fun. Sebastian’s daycare teacher, Kelly, babysat both kids. They LOVED her and were so excited to see her when she arrived. So that all worked out perfectly. On Saturday CJ played in a curling bon spiel – it’s basically like a tournament but everyone drinks during it. The kids and I went to visit the club and cheer him on for a while. Here are some pics.
CJ in action

The Lounge

Then I dropped the kids off at my moms house and did a bit more Christmas shopping. I still have lots to do but I am getting there. I also bought a little Thomas the train wooden table and chairs for Sebby’s birthday. I think he’ll be beside himself with excitement when he sees it. Saturday night we went to my company’s Christmas party. It was a bit stuffy but still enjoyable. The DJ was friggin hilarious. Imagine the worst possible stereotypical soft-rock DJ, add in a few schwarmy car sales-man characteristics and you’ll have our DJ. To make matters worse, he was also the MC of the event. CJ and I giggled about him the whole night long. I don’t think he played any music from the last 20 years. His song selections were things like “Lady in Red” (a big hit with my company “high-ups”).
Okay so here’s the best part…. Since the kiddos stayed over night at my mum’s house, we got to sleep in. It was wonderful. Shortly before noon we headed over to my mum’s place. CJ and I stayed there to watch after Sebastian while my mum took Kenzie to the ballet – The Nutcracker. Get this… while I took another nap (hey, I gotta sleep while I can), CJ chose to watch curling instead of football. He did clarify by saying that if the Seahawks had been playing he would have watched football…. Uh huh. Kenzie was so darn excited and she looked adorable. Mum said that she had a wonderful time and really enjoyed it.

After they got home, the Ingram family drove home, stopping at a small family diner for some dinner. So it was an enjoyable weekend all round. Next weekend we have curling and CJ’s Christmas party. It should be fun.
Btw, here’s a picture of the kids in their pretend car. Kenzie is using a Frisbee at the steering wheel.

sounds like a fantastic weekend. your kids are too damn cute.
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