Dear Diary: Sunday Sept 4th
What day is it again... ah yes, Sunday. Sunday of a long weekend. :)
Today started off a bit shakey. I woke up really tired today so I was a bit impatient. Kenzie just senses these things so she pushed all of my buttons... until she was in time out and I was in my room sulking... all this before 9:00 this morning.
I was also really bummed because I had been looking forward to a picnic we had planned for this morning. A bunch of people had said they were going to come but it was really cold and grey this morning. Three families called to cancel before we even left our house. On the way to the park it started sprinkling.. I was so bummed.
But then things started to improve. We got to the park and the weather started to clear. Then Ellen showed up with Katrina... then Kelly came with Corbin and the kids and then Kristy and Andrew came with Jackson. The weather continued to improve and we all had fun visiting the animals, playing hide and seek and kicking around a soccer ball.
Here's the one picture I got before my camera battery died.

Both kids fell asleep on the way home and continued sleeping once we transported them to their beds, which allowed CJ and I to take naps too.
After we woke up, we all went to the mall so I could buy a few gifts. I went into the new Lush store for the first time. OMG I love that place!!! Imagine stacks of bins just full of bath bombs in all sorts of scents and colours. They also had chocolate flavoured lip gloss.... can you imagine? I replenished our stock of Dream Cream which is just a miracle cure for Kenzie's eczema. Kenzie was also treated to a chocolate dipped strawberry from the Godiva store. She ate it in the car on the way home and I was salivating from the smell.
Got home, had baths, jumped on the bed, ate dinner, watched some TV, snuggled, read books and went to bed.
My stinker after his bath.

There is something too adorable about kids in their PJs.

Then my insomnia started up again. Why can't I sleep these days. I think I need to do the Isagenix program again just so I can sleep well.
So that was our day. Tomorrow should be another good one. Jenniferlyn and Ben are coming over in the morning. In the afternoon we may invite folks over for a barbeque.
Life is good.
I wanted to make it to the picnic too. Julian sure could do with the excercise. Unfortunately Jasmine has a cold and is feeding every hour and I'm stuck at home eating pie and cookies and typing on the laptop with my left hand. Baby is in my right arm fast asleep. See you soon Karen. PS. need to get a blogger a/c till then this is signed anon instead of Mrs Lacey
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