all's well that ends well
To continue from my previous blog post. I was extremely tired yesterday morning. After Sebby went down for a nap at 9:30, CJ told me to take a nap. I was lying in bed just drifting off to a peaceful slumber when I remember that my friend Karen was coming over for a playdate at... 10:00!!! uh... in 10 minutes.
I jumped in the shower, dried off, threw on some sweats and went to relieve CJ of his child care duties (if I'm going to be up, he may as well get some rest). Before he headed off to bed CJ made me a delicious ceasar (to take the edge off).
Karen arrived shortly after 10:00 and was more than happy to accompany me in my morning debauchery.
We drank our ceasars, let the kids run wild and just had fun chatting. Here are some pics.
Gabby, Kenzie and Ethan (excuse the redeye)

Karen and Kalena

The little ones.

The big ones.

After Karen went home, the rest of us took turns napping and playing all afternoon. We actually had a very fun day. Every once in a while we'd get a text message from DW, giving us an update on the never-ending "labour saga". Poor Dawn... it seems that Gregory decided at the last minute (after Dawn was in labour for literally weeks), that he didn't want to come out.
But all's well that ends well.
Gregory Darwin came into this world via c-section at 6:30 pm Sunday November 20th weighing 9 lbs 4 oz. Mother and son are doing well.
Welcome Gregory. We look forward to meeting you and to you joining our family!
And Gabby, thanks for hanging out with us. We had fun with you.
I am sad to say that our house did not fair too well.
Kids: 1 House: 0

congrats dawn - whoa that house looks crazy!
I forgot a playdate once, only I did not remember in time. My friend and her three kids were at my doorstep. House was a mess, I was in my sweats, hair out to there...
Now I look at my calendar every day.
Congrats to Dawn and family. Have fun being "Auntie Karen"
btw, check my blog again! I love you lady = whether you cancel on me or not! ;)
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