my weekend in Philly
I should just end this post now with "wow". I am too tired to write more and it is impossible for me to capture all the fun and excitement with words. But, just so I don't forget, I will write down as much as I remember. I can't do it in order, so here are some random memories.
- Here's the group of us before we went out on Friday night. We warmed up by drinking apple martini's. The best part was when Kat snuck in about 8 oz of vodka into Jen's drink after Jen complained that it wasn't strong enough. (Jen drank it)

- More warm up photos.

- Erin and Nikki... I SO WISH you could have come out and partied. I am very bummed you couldn't but glad that we got to meet. But your babies are adorable and I was so glad I had them to love on. Erin, thanks for the body butter, it is YUMMY!

- Michele's fish. Apparently it was "sleeping" on it's back. It sure looked dead to me. But Michele insisted it was alive and somehow brought it back to life.

- Friday night we went to a couple bars. The second one being a karaoke place. Note: the 13 of us got into the van for the trip to bar #2. Yes, that's right, I said 13 of us in a minivan. ha ha ha. The girls did great at karaoke. They are braver than me... and have much better voices. Michele's Dad picked us up from the bar. "Michele, YOUR DADDY'S HERE!"

- Saturday, after Erica and I had our 4:00 am Denny's swiss and mushroom burgers and passed out for 3 hours until the sirens & car alarms on the freeway woke us up, we headed over to tooth'y house for breakfast. There is nothing like a smart-ass dentist yelling & swearing at you for getting lost and not following her directions, to make you feel even more hung over. I forgave her when we arrived and she put a cup of coffee into my hand.
After a few hours of hanging out we headed over to the King of Prussia Mall. On any other day I would have been in heaven. This mall is INSANELY huge! I could have shopped there for about 8 hours and come home with $2000 worth of stuff. Instead I ate my Philly cheesesteak, said hello to Janet (who by the way is pregnant - she found out yesterday - although I should have know from the way she scarfed down this food), dragged my ass around to find a gift for the kids and then Erica and I headed back to the hotel for a nap.
Here's the pregnant one. Yes, she needs food.

No sooner had we arrived at the hotel, then Crystal called to say they were going to pick us up on the way to toothy' for dinner and getting ready for the night. By the time we left our hotel room and reached the car, it was surrounded by firemen that Kim had picked up with her sexy Irish accent. btw, she called me Karn the whole trip. It was funny. I believe her parting words to the firemen boys in Room 309 were "What are you doing around 1:30 am? Nothing, okay good... go get us some taco Bell and we'll be here around 3:00 am Thanks boys!". I wonder if they were waiting for us.
So... I'm getting tired of blogging. Let's fast forward through the next 12 hours....
- Get to the house, liquor store run, start drinking, eat chinese food (BTW Marley - you owe me for the chinese fortune I gave to you) and get ready. Marley did everyone's hair, Erica put on false eye lashes for me. They looked pretty damn hot. Here we all are dolled up, before we picked up the rest of the crew at Michele's.

- Picked up the rest of the ladies, and we loaded ourselves into the stretch SUV limo with an insane driver named Dale.

-get to the bar and the partying begins.

Ahhhhh... It was a fun weekend. Next summer we're meeting in Seattle. Everyone should come and stay at my house.
Thanks for having me ladies... it was a fun weekend!
so jealous and even more annoyed that i am/was sick.
the Seattle get together cannot be until the summer of '07 after I graduate school!PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I am so jealous too... you all look so awesome, beautiful and fun!
love love!
Wow, that is one heck of a blog! I will host some ladies if no one minds sleeping on the floor!
BTW, I seriously was wondering what made your eyes look so amazing... nice work Erica. I need to try some fake eyelashes... they are hot!
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