The weekend
Note: I am concerned about the safety and security of blogging. I love blogging. I realized that THIS is my hobby. I love keeping a diary of the day to day events in our lives and I love posting pictures of the kids, family and friends. Therefore, I am in the process of investigating various options to make this a more secure and safe endeavor. I am hoping to find a way to continue to blog but while also protecting my family from the "freaks" that are on the Internet. If anyone has any ideas of what I can do, please let me know.
The weekend is a blur. I think Friday and Saturday were spent recovering from Thanksgiving. Kenzie and I hit Target for some shopping on Friday. We got her a new bedspread - it's so girly and she loves it and it matches the colours in her room perfectly.
Saturday we lazed around, I worked a bit, we watched football and we napped. It was nice.
Yesterday Kenzie and I hit the Hanna Andersson outlet store. We got some great deals. I got Kenzie's Christmas outfit and a darling fleece winter coverall for Sebby. oh yah... and tights... we bought tights.

During naps, CJ watched some football (GO SEAHAWKS!! It would be so cool if the Seahawks played in the Superbowl) and I did some more work. After the kids woke up Kristin, Scott and Montana came over for a visit. I love these people. They are beautiful people. They just exude love, kindness and happiness. Kenzie adores Montana. It's funny to think that Montana used to feed Kenzie her bottles and now they play together.

Scott, Kristin and I also enjoyed "the wine". We almost finished a large (1.5 l) bottle. Which brings me to my final point... I decided on the way in to work today that I am going to quit drinking until Christmas.
sounds like a blur!
Love Kenzies tights.
I am with you on the drinking!
One option is to use MSN spaces. You can restrict people to those in your instant messenger buddy list.
Other than that, it's pretty tricky as far as blogging goes.
If it's just photos you're worried about, another option could be to just not put photos on your blog, but upload them to flickr and link to them. Then mark the photos you don't want non-friends to see, as private. Tell your friends to go and get a flickr account (it's free), and add them as a friend. This is what I'm planning on doing so I can be less restrictive about what I put on flickr.
That last comment was be me, Steve...
Dunno why it went up as anonymous...
I was going to go the Hannah Anderson outlet stores but I left the Wheelers house with enough baby clothes to fill the dresser and now have no room.
I have some thoughts on protecting the photo's from those nasty people, you could try changing the captions on the photo's and content to eliminate the obvious ones (baby, diapers etc). That might stop the hits based engine word searches.
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