back blogging again
I decided I didn't like the other site so much. I wasn't able to post pictures the way I like to. So, I am back here. I am just going to be very careful with the words I use in my posts so that my blog isn't discuvered by people doing searches on weird stuff (know what I mean?).
So this weekend has been lots of fun so far.
Yesday morning we got up super early and went outside to play in the snow before it all melted. I am glad we did it because we all had a blast. And sure enough the snow was all gone by 10:30.

After coming in from outside Sebby took a nice long nap and Kenzie ad I went to Ethan's birthday party. Here she is all dressed up and ready to go. This picture makes me laugh because EVERYTHING she is wearing clashes and I just love it!

We had a really great time at the party. It also made me realize that we made the right choice by hosting Kenzie's party at a venue rather than at our home. It was INSANE with all the toddlers and younger siblings running/crawling around.
We headed home around 1:30. Kenzie went down for a nap and 10 minutes later Sebby woke up... ha ha ha in't that the way it always goes.
Anyhow CJ then made some of his famous shortbread. It is so darn good and just melts in your mouth. He made it for me to send for my cookie exchange (CJ, yer the best). The house smelled great and I got to sample quite a few pieces still warm from the over.
When K woke up she and I went to visit the wheelers and I actually got to hang out and talk to Dawn about her labour experience and I got to hold Gregory. It was awesome. He had that newborn baby smell and made the little baby noises and fell asleep in my arms - awwww I need another fix.
Today K and I went shopping and left the boys at home (Sebby was napping). I bought my secret santa gift and some other random groceries. Once back at home, I made my famous rice crispie squares. OMG they are so yummy.
CJ went for a run. I am very proud of that guy. He is running ~ 5 miles about 4 times a week. He's fast too. He looks pretty hot dressed up in his running gear too ;-)
This afternoon we are going to hang out and watch football, package gifts and depending on when K wakes up, we may go see Santa. Also, Montana and her folks may come over for another visit again this afternoon.
That is all.
Sorry for the back and forth with the blog sites. I'm pretty sure I'm sticking to this one now.
hey K!
I am glad you are back too - Like you and Ash - I may do the same thing... though I really like the IM part of MSN :)
I did keep both blogs up - and may for a little bit - but your move back makes sense to me - maybe I jumped the gun... oh well. Can't be too careful. :)
I am glad you are back blogging on here :)
K likes to dress like K! it kills me some days....but hey its a battle sometimes not worth fighting.
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