Meeting Santa
Our friend Deb knows how to throw a good party. Yesterday afternoon she had a Holiday Open House for over 100 of her closest friends. She noted on the invitation that Santa had been invited and that he'd be available to talk with the little ones.
So we've been talking to Kenzie about this for the last couple days and she was getting pretty excited.
At 5:00 yesterday afternoon, we headed over to Deb's... The party was underway and everyone was having fun. I can't believe how many kids there are in our group right now. I think there were a good 20 kids there between the ages of one and three... Big change from 4 years ago when we'd all meet at the bar every weekend.
At one point Deb announced "I hear something on the roof, I think Santa might have arrived". I looked at Kenzie and I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. She was sooooooooo excited. She kept looking at the fire place waiting for HIM to come.

So Sanata comes in and poor Boo is terrified. She didn't even want to be in the same room as him. After a few minutes I had her relaxed enough to come sit on the floor with me so she could see Santa saying hi to the other kids. I told her she didn't have to talk to him if she didn't want to. He was awesome... he even, for some odd reason, had a very thick Scottish accent (which is even odder when you realize that umm.... the "person" isn't even Scottish).
In any case, CJ took Sebby up to say hi. Sebby was unimpressed and more interested in his cracker.

I was very proud and happy to see Kenzie stand up and come over to say "hi" to Santa. She shyly approached and shook his hand when he offered it to her. She said "thank you" so sweetly when he gave her a stuffed dog.... then as we started walking away, the hugeness of her actions overcame her and she broke down. A good little cry and some movement away from Santa into the "Safety Zone" and she was all good again. I was proud of her.
It was about this point in the evening when Sebby decided that the party was a bit of stimulation overload and went into meltdown mode. We quickly took our exit so as to avoid any serious disruption to the festivities.
On the way home we drove around the neighbourhood and looked at some of the Christmas decorations. There are some homes that were just beautiful. We even sang Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer. CJ very astutely commented on the humor in our situation... family of 4, driving around the neighbourhood in our minivan, looking at Christmas lights, singing Christmas tunes. hahaha

I love driving around at night looking at lights!
way to go Kenzie for stepping up girl!
WE have been looking at lights every sunday night for a few weeks now... love that!
Over 100 of her "closest" friends? How many "ok" friends does she have?! That's a big party! lol
Sounds like a fun time!
Karen, you have, like, the perfect family. You're like the Cleavers or something. :)
The party was such a great idea! I am LMAO at the Scottish accent on the non-Scottish guy.
So cute! That sounds like fun. I was laughing at Santa's capri pants. hahaha!!
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