there's a reason weekends are only 2 days long's because they are so much fun. If every day was a weekend we just wouldn't appreciate them.
My weekend usually starts at 4:00 pm on a Friday afternoon. Typically we have "wine friday" where we uncork a couple bottles at the office, sit around and gab about work and personal stuff and just unwind from our stressful week. Yesterday, most people were out of the office so I left at 4:00 because I was exhausted.
Shortly after I arrived home, Hadley & her kiddos came by for a visit. She brought McD's for the kids, and she and I had a couple drinks and enjoyed the fact that we could relax since the kids were entertaining each other. We actually had an uninterrupted conversation.

Today, after some gentle persuasion on my part, CJ and I took the kids swimming. It was the first time we've gone as a family. The kids had a blast. I loved seeing Seb's huge grin as he splashed away and Kenzie was so proud of herself "floating". :) The extra bonus that comes with going swimming is that the kids tend to take really good naps. Both kiddos slept almost 3 hours this afternoon while CJ and I enjoyed watching a couple episodes of Survivor Amazon. I actually had to wake up Kenzie because her buddy Ethan came to visit. Poor Karen...when they arrived I opened the door and she looked up to say hello and tripped on the first step to our front door. Instead of letting go of Kalena, she threw herself on our stone steps to break her daughter's fall. What a good mom. Kalena was fine.... Karen on the other had was pretty banged up. She cut her elbow badly, and scraped her ankle and hurt her back :( But it was nothing a bag of frozen mixed vegetables and a stiff cranberry-vodka couldn't take care of.
Once again the kids had a blast playing together. I love play dates these days since the kids actually entertain each other and we adults get to have fun too.

All this fun and the weekend is only half over... tomorrow,,, Super Bowl Party at Tim's..... GO SEAHAWKS!
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