Kenzie's 6th Birthday Party
Kenzie had her birthday party yesterday. I think it went great. She invited 15 of her closest friends (and her brother) to join her at Griffin Gymnastics for her birthday party. The best part was that CJ got on an earlier flight so when we got to Griffin, he was waiting there in the parking lot. Kenzie had fallen asleep on the way there, so she woke up when CJ opened the car door. She opened her eyes and saw Daddy and she was so happy.
The party went great. The coaches at Griffin took all the kids through an hour of gymnastics. Kenzie got to be first all the time, which I think she loved. After that it was upstairs for everyone where we had pizza (thank goodness it arrived on time)and cake and Kenzie opened her presents. She got so many great presents and yesterday evening and all morning today has been spent playing with her new crafts and toys.
When I asked her last night what teh best part of her party was, she said it was "seeing Daddy". Sometime I worry that she'll get spoiled with all the presents and stuff that she gets... but her comment made me realize that she still has her priorities straight. It made me proud.
getting ready to start

cake time


My friends Gay and Helen

at home coloring the messenger bag. This is an awesome gift. We all helped out and it was super fun. Kenzie was happy to have Daddy home.

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