Friday, January 09, 2009

Seb goes to the doctor

So today the kids had their annual doctor’s appointments. Seb had two shots. The first shot was no big deal, but the second one was both a surprise (the nurse did it while he wasn’t looking) and it was also one of these monster shots that goes right in the muscle and the nurse had warned me that it would hurt. Well Seb wasn’t happy about it at all. He screamed bloody murder for, seriously, 15 minutes straight. He refused to put his shirt back on and I finally dragged him screaming and crying, half-dressed out of the office and to the car. Everyone in the waiting room looked over and saw the poor boy practically limping out, swollen eyes, still gasping for breath, walking with his arm held out to the side as though it was broken. Talk about drama queen. I am pretty sure that when Kenzie got the same shot two years ago she didn’t even cry and went straight to school afterwards.

In any case, Seb got to stay home with me today but I had to get work done so he promised that he would be good and play by himself. He’s actually done a pretty good job of it so far but I have a conference call in about half an hour so I thought I would try to get him down for a nap. We went up to his room and we did a page of “search and find” together (his usual, before bed routine) and then we lay down and I started to rub his back (it usually helps him to fall asleep). We had this conversation.

Seb: I hate shots
Me: I know honey. But it’s done now and you don’t need to get one again for a long time.
M: not for many, many years?
S: Like when I’m ten.
M: yes, when you’re ten. Now close your eyes and go to sleep.

….Seb closes his eyes and it’s quiet….

S: Mummy… what if I have to get a shot in my eyeball?
M: I don’t think you’ll get a shot in your eyeball.
S: Why not?
M: Because they don’t give people shots in their eyeballs. Now go to sleep.


S: Will I need to get a shot when I’m 100?
M: Maybe honey, but I’m not sure. We’ll have to wait and see.
S: will the shot I got today make my cold go away?
M: I don’t think so. That’s one of the problems with colds… there is no known cure.
S: only medicine?
M: well actually medicine doesn’t make your cold go away, it just makes you more comfortable.
S: so my cold will never go away!?!?!:?!
M: Yes, it will go away in time.
S: How… what makes it go away?
M: your body will. Your body is strong and will make your cold go away, but it needs lots of rest to get better.
S: Oh… that is SO COOL!!!!

………quiet……… (I look over and his eyes are closed and he is breathing deeply)

S: What would happen if I got a shot in my eyeball?
M: it would probably hurt a lot, but I don’t think that will ever happen.
S: Will my eyeball bleed?
M: I don’t know Sebby, now go to sleep.
S: But I’m not tired.
M: then just lie down and rest.
S: But I want to play.
M: well then I’ll lock you in your room. (he fears being locked in his room so this was my “empty threat”). Now lie down and go to sleep.


S: So, are you going to lock me in my room?
M: No, lie down and go to sleep.
S: But you said that I could play if you locked me in my room, so lock me in my room.
M: No Seb… you need to rest. Lie down.
M: okay fine, I will, as soon as I get up… I’m tired and lying down right now.
S: Thanks Mummy. I love you.

So I’m lying there thinking to myself… what exactly happened in this conversation? In any case he is now in his room (NOT locked in) but he is playing quietly and I am about to call into my conference call.

And, one of the things the doctor asked me about him was whether he was talking (because of course he didn’t open his mouth the whole time we were there).


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